Looks like a little/lot of patience and perseverance just "may" get you some of the answers you're looking for??
Ever consider taking one of "The" stocks and have someone go after it with a duplicator? Only problem with mine is that it has a Whidden V Block installed so you can't get an accurate inlet cut. Close but no cigar. I'am thinking that would be a very small problem.
I would love to see a "Cooper" style rear grip stock available again to the public. All it takes is $$$.
Man does NOT live by Mc Millan alone.
Seems like Fred (Sharpshooter) mentioned a while back that the "cut" could be stopped in mid progress and adjustments could be made so if you wanted the bolt handle cut to be moved to the other side OR a change in the inlet. Most outfits don't seem to be willing to make small changes. A true CUSTOM stock, cut to your liking (I Think) would be well received. And get very popular real fast. Not everybody likes glass stocks or even a mid grip. A Savage, Remington XP 100 etc. inlet would be a hit.
When Joel Russo first came up with the A5L rifle stock design, it went over VERY WELL!! Something like 26 pages on a thread asking who might be interested in that design. I think I got one of the first ones. You make it and it woul sell.