Had an Atari pong video game, well I really got for the daughter at xmas almost 30 yrs ago. Wife and I stayed up late after the daughter went to sleep and played it, would get all wound up and then couldn't sleep. Not had one since. I do play games on my laptop tho, just BJ, Sol, and Majohg tiles.

With the price of meats, I'm surprised this is a cheap hobby.

Wife has been wanting to visit Austin, so those "hobbies" might prove useful. LOL

I try and stay away from Amazon, and do a pretty good job, but shooting and reloading websites and just cruising the web is fun, and cheap if I don't click on the add to cart button.

I do get some cheap entertainment from my SIL who lives next door and their yard guy. They don't want him to come mow on a "regular" basis, just when they think it needs it. In turn, the grass clippings really pile up and she complains about it, but won't change the cutting schedule. I do enjoy watching my young and well endowed neighbor on the other side mow her yard. She has a rough yard too.