Quote Originally Posted by Texas10 View Post
Yesterday I talked to a guy at the range who had both the magneto speed and Lab Radar and asked him about accuracy. He related that BOTH are spot on, or at least agree with each other with regard to velocity, but that the Lab Radar was less reliable about picking up each shot. Lab Radar doesn't effect POI like Magnetospeed does, but costs a whole lot more, of course.
Then he didn't have it aimed correctly. Had mine out last month doing a load work-up for 4064... did 20 shots each at 7 different points 0.5gr apart, plus 10 rounds warm-up (150 total rounds) and it picked up every single shot, with 100% pick-up at muzzle, 20, 40, 60, 70 yards, and 90% pick-up at 80yds. That was with a suppressor on my rifle, the machine set to the highest sensitivity, and a 338 going off 3 benches down... not one false read.

This is a screenshot of the excel data from one of the 20 shot strings, plus another screenshot of my summary page. I found that if I try and go beyond 80yds at the 100yd range, the pick-up drops of dramatically... thinking it's either losing the round or picking up backscatter from the backstop. Nice thing is you can take the distance and meteorological data, plug it into JBM Ballistics, and figure your real-time BC... mine figured to G7 0.335, and Hornady's advertised is 0.338 - Not bad.

EDIT: Sorry if these are hard to read... I had them sized larger, but the site must've crunched them down.