I bought a 12FV 22-250 at a great price during the recent sale. I figured if they go on sale again, I would buy another one in .308 since I have acquired some more of the cheap gift cards sold on eBay, which could save me another $50-$70. I was actually thinking about trying a barrel change on the second one, as I have never done that before. I was thinking to myself the other day, that it wouldn't surprise me if that model is discontinued before I have that opportunity, and now I see this thread. I am not too concerned about a detachable magazine.

I think the biggest issue is whether they change over from a top bolt release to a bottom bolt release. One of the main reasons for buying this rifle is for the top bolt release. A top bolt release makes it much easier for an aftermarket trigger and stock. I don't even think the Rifle Basix SAV-2 will work on a bottom bolt release model. If I received a bottom bolt release model when I go to pick it up, I will refuse the rifle.

I don't know if I would trust what you were told. I so often read stuff like that, and the representative seems to be wrong more often than right. I definitely hope she is wrong.