If you continue to flame the man every time his name comes up and feel compelled to offer alternatives, even when your opinion is not asked, I will continue to try to shoot you down, if for no other reason than because you are, effectively, HIJACKING the thread when you do that.
Lonewolf has offered a good alternative to the situation that I can pass on.

While I hope Jim the best, it does not change my response.

As for you, foxx, Fair enough. I reported a track history of lack of response to the question which I believe is well in line to that question.

I have kept the response fact driven, yours is emotional.

If you think I hi-jacked a thread then report it to the moderators.

If I am chastised I will apologies here.

I grew up in an era where we were held accountable.

My employer expects me to show up for work every day and do my job.

It does not mater what I did the day before to save the day.

Today is an all new day with all new problems to be dealt with.

He does not care what my personal problems and issues are.

I work with a great many people and they all have problems, some of them life and death.

While I can sympathize with them, I have a job to do and there is a business that has to be run.
If they can't do the job then we move on.

Regardless of your emotional involvement with Apache, there are many equally good barrel makers out there that do perform to a timeline and response.