IMHO, if you have "slight" resistance when closing the bolt, I would open up the headspace "just a little". As the brass gets work hardened, it won't go down in specs like it did when you first started. It would help to leave yourself a little "wiggle room". No modifying dies to get what you want. Fresh "soft" brass, full length resized that fits the chamber with no to very slight resistance. It'll be a feel thing.
And when you resize, make it a point NOT to work your brass any more than needed. It's a toss up between full length and shoulder bumping your brass. Most of the BR shooters that full length resize are using custom cut dies that match their chambers. Brass barely moves. I shoulder bump and neck size then body size when/as needed. If your untouched fired brass will fit back in the chamber, neck size and reload. You'll have to decide how to size your brass. Everybody has different thoughts and ideas, just look at the recent election!!