
Thanks for the info. I had hoped that it would have had the same 5R barrel as the 10T, but this one does have a threaded end. Its still got great potential as a very affordable long range gun though. I am disappointed about the extractor issues, but I think anyone who's read anything on Savages knows that extractor issue is somewhat common. Since posting the review I spoke with one of the gun shop workers and he said Savage usually has a two week turn around on repairs.
I know people may wander what I base my opinion on when I said that this rifle has great potential, considering its negatives. So to give a little back ground on me. I'm a 24 year law enforcement officer and firearms instructor. I am in no way a long range expert, but Ive handled many firearms over the years and I doubt a better, new in the box production rifle can be found under $1,000.
I'll post an update when I get it back from Savage, and then again after I get my PST mounted and I've had the chance to try it out at some longer distances.