Maybe I just ought to put all my plan down so you can tell me everywhere I’m screwing up.

  • Install barrel and headspace (when it arrives)
  • Create at least .050” clearance in barrel channel. The more the better, I like a big gap.
  • Cut spacer pads from plastic binder to place between receiver and stock to hold it off the stock about a business card thickness. Check to make sure bolt will still pick up the next round.
  • Enlarge action screw holes in stock to 1/8” over the diameter of pillars
  • Ring tape front of barrel so it lays in the middle of the barrel channel – left, right, up and down
  • Cut and fit pillars so they fit between the bottom metal and the receiver on top of the plastic spacer pads using real action screws.
  • Play-Doh all holes and put at least two coats of release agent on everything except outside of pillars and stock. Tape where needed.
  • Take extended ¼” x 28tpi bolts, remove heads, round the sawn end
  • Fill pillars with Play-Doh, center bolts in pillars, screw onto receiver. make sure they are touching the receiver.
  • Mix epoxy (JB Weld)
  • Put epoxy in the stock action screw holes using a tooth pick and on the outside of the pillars
  • Put the plastic spacers on the stock and ease the receiver (with pillars and long bolts) into the stock.
  • Make sure everything is still centered and tape down (no bottom metal)
  • Make sure pillars are still touching the bottom of the receiver
  • Do some clean up on the bottom with paper towels and Q-tips soaked with WD-40
  • Don’t touch for at least 8 hours (overnight)
  • Unscrew long bolts using vise grips
  • Take receiver back out of the stock, get rid of spacers
  • Do a little cleanup in the stock if needed

So there’s the pillar bedding. I’ll let it set up for a total of 48 hours before I start the next phase.

  • Tape up outside of stock
  • Cut some channels / drill holes / rough up inside the stock to give the epoxy something to grab on to
  • Cut channels on the top of stock where the recoil lug goes so epoxy is not thin on top and front
  • Create dams in stock in front of recoil lug area and behind rear action screw.
  • Fill up magazine well with Styrofoam and Play-Doh
  • Put at least two layers of tape on the front, sides and bottom of recoil lug – none on the back side that goes against the stock
  • Tape up barrel nut and a little way up the barrel (past the dam)
  • Put the long screws back into the action
  • Fill all holes with Play-Doh and put at least two coats of release agent everywhere on the receiver including barrel lug, long screws and inside of pillars
  • Test fit to make sure I didn’t create any issues with the pillars, barrel and receiver. Make sure there’s no mechanical locks that can happen anywhere
  • Mix epoxy, fill barrel lug area, front and rear pillar area. Put a little on the sides in those areas too. Put some all down the sides of the stock in the magazine well area
  • Ease the receiver back into the stock, tape with electrical tape, make sure everything is still centered. I should have a little epoxy coming out all along the top from the rear pillar area to the recoil lug area
  • Do as much clean up on the outside as possible
  • Leave it alone overnight
  • Remove long screws and then the receiver from the stock.
  • Clean up inside of stock
  • Done

Is that reasonable? Forget anything?