Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
Dave, I don't care for the guy or his page. Never even watched his vids. I didn't like you when you came on this website because you tried to pick fights with respected members. I think it is funny that you have gotten spanked on several websites and you run over hear and complain. test your metal and tell this fella what a dope he is. Prove you point. If you get booted no big deal.
LMAO...i was just getting ready to post the same thing!!

i will also add that while i dont care for the way greg talks to ppl i do like that he says what he thinks and dont mince words about it...i am the same way in real life im just a little more tactful about it. to the OP...either call him out or let it go...after all its the internet right...but like Robinhood i dont get why you bring the drama here.