Talk is cheap its like a few morans on sniper central that if you own a savage it has to be junk, well I own 2 of them that do very well for me and I was a Rem only guy for along time, Untill their reutation went to heck and they try to pass an 870 ot 700 off as a quality product of today NOT Hardly, Its a lot of factors come in to play I personaly have 1/2 moa days also 1" moa days, The right load for the rifle this is WAY more important than most think I don't care if its 45.00 a box top of the line or 20.00 a box its what that rifle likes cost has little to do with it, A good quality scope, And you have to be able to shoot, Period I know guys you could hand them a 7000.00 set up and another guy with a 400.00 set up could out shoot them you cant buy experience if you could the military would be full of top notch snipers, Buy what you can afford and practice as time goes by you can and will upgrade, BE YOUR OWN MAN, Get to know your rifle Then the pride will come from with in, Not idiots on the internet!!!!!