Modern electronics are a wonderful thing. Certainly without them, we would never have landed on the moon.
Certainly people like me would never leave a dock before daylight, with much hope to find a specific spot way beyond sight of land.
That said, when the captain of a merchant vessel, sits for the exam upgrading his license to a higher level,
he wont be permitted to rely on modern electronics for his answers. He will do the math or fail the exam.
Now when were simply getting the boat to that buoy over there say a mile away, we might simply aim the boat toward the buoy.
If wind and current are strong today, we simply steer a little harder.
If we had decided to get fancy and use all the neat and expensive electronics we have to reach that buoy, then we are then playing a different game called (find the buoy without looking.)
And theres no guarantee we will ever actually reach that freaking buoy. lol
The KISS SYSTEM, it works every time.