Quote Originally Posted by m12lrs View Post
Have you ever used a kestrel with applied ballistics?

Reading wind is an art that only experience can teach. Starting with a good base line helps.
And the very best base line, regardless of new gagetry is called a (sighter shot).

But no, I will admit to never having used that system. I am admittedly old school, and of the (if it aint broke don't fix it mind set.)
I do consider data as being important for long range shooting. But there are also various ways of obtaining the data, and regardless
as to your choice, it will never (guarantee) perfect results. Unfortunatly, you wont know that till you shoot.
Now keep in mind, I am referring to whitetail deer hunting in the steep (heavily wooded) mountainous terrain of N C PA.
If the type of shooting your interested in has certain other requirments, then disregard what I'm saying. Feel free to disregard it regardless,
and you wont hurt my feelings. lol. We, and I say we, because we always hunt as a group of at least 2, with one acting as a spotter for the shooter.
We have an accurate chart for the gun which has been confirmed by actual shooting. It will have included (averages) for temperature, altitude,
pressure etc for the time of year we hunt in that area. Shocking as it may be to some, most shots will produce first round hits.
On longer shots, say 700 and beyond, we will make every effort to swing over and take a sighter shot if at all possible. But a first round miss is also a sighter. We place a higher priority on how we shoot, as for position, than data. The best data and everything else is only as accurate as the
ability of the shooter under the conditions he finds himself, and we don't leave that to chance. We also don't just willy nilly walk around looking
for things to shoot at. We go to specific places, where weve been many times before. Once there, we set up our gear and commence glassing the
ridges opposite where we are. So if it took 21 minits last year, why would we need a rangefinder or anything else to tell us that? Just put on the 21
minits and send one over there. Hey, we just might get lucky yet again lol.
I would highly recommend trying before rushing out and buying.