Uncle Jack - The triggger, action and barrel are all stock Savage parts. Nothing was done too them. The trigger has never been adjusted, nor had the previous owner adjusted it. Hell, he only shot 100 rounds through it (gave me the brass with the deal - I think he had other issues - anyway).

Seating depths - 2.355 was where I stopped based on grouping.

Bullets - tried several different ones, but stuck with Hornady 75 BTHP (Self Moly'd). These have actually printed a 2 inch group at 550 yards. I use this rifle for Mid Range F Class.

Brass - RP with vel average at 2950

Powder - RL 15 (25.5 - please work up to it.......)

Primers - RP 7.5's.

Below are two pics I shot at 500 meters (550 yards) to confirm my load. After these, I never looked back.

[img width=337 height=450]http://i1028.photobucket.com/albums/y350/swspens/005.jpg[/img]

[img width=337 height=450]http://i1028.photobucket.com/albums/y350/swspens/008.jpg[/img]