Quote Originally Posted by BillPa View Post
I use a 150g flat diamond file and a loupe I "borrowed" from Maw's dust collectors make'n stuff, aka; gaudy jewelry.
BTW, the beam balance V shafts are only 1/2 of the equation. Just as important are the pan support hanger loop, it's knife shafts and the pan support "hook".

The end loop's center must be in perfectly centered on the beam's center and have minimum outside to outside end play on it's knife shafts. The inside of the end loop and the inside of the pan support "hook" should also be polished like a mirror . A pan and support which seems to swing side to side almost forever is a very good thing!


When you say "swing from side to side" do you mean as you face the scale, the pan will swing freely INLINE with the beam?

Mine seems to swing "forever" as you say, and I get tired of waiting on it to stop, so I usually gently stop the swinging with my hand or finger and let the scale settle down again.

And thanks for the tips and replies guys