So we found out for sure there will be some barrels in the next match as well as some culverts. So we set out to get in some practice and try out new positions. There was a barrel stage in the last match as well and I blanked that stage. T smoked it on the other hand. Here goes the excuses. She is short like 5 ft nothing. So the barrel is real comfortable for her. But I screwed up selection of gear to use on that stage and wound up with an unsupported rifle wobbling all over the place. T had gone right before me and I tried to use the same bag combination and my rifle wouldnt fit over the barrel. The cadex competition tube on my rifle is longer than standard tube and that put my bipod further away from the grip. So when I set my rifle on the barrel, it caused me to not be able to use the rear bag set up T did. We were shooting at a 6 inch target at around 350 so I just couldnt pull it off.

Well this is what we worked out. T still sets her bipod on top of barrel with use of pillow long ways. During the video review we saw how she was switching out hands on the grip to work the bolt. Toward the end of the video she settled down and rested her elbow on the rim of the barrel for a more stable position although she was hitting well at all distances. Another piece of gear we both tried and really liked for this is the loophole sling. It helped take the wobble out of the barrel and really helped my set up.