Quote Originally Posted by Steelhead View Post
I neck size with a lee collet 3 times then anneal and bump shoulder back with body die and repeat.
Not trying to start an argument but I've found Lee dies to be on the low end of quality. Having said that I do use them for straightwall pistol brass sizing but that is all I used them for. I absolutely despise the Lee lock rings. Those go in the wastebasket right away. I replace them all with Hornady cross lock rings. In fact, every die I own (Whidden included) gets Hornady rings....

I do like and use Lee Collet Crimp dies. The rest are marginal in my opinion. You get what you pay for in any product, die sets included.

Never used the Lee Dipper. I guess you could use it for a cocaine scoop but in as much as I don't do drugs, it just sits in the die box, taking up room....lol

Lee die sets ate low end, beginner dies for hand loaders starting out. Much more precise and of course more expensive reloading dies out there in cyberland.