Your one comment on shooting 308, I hope you mean 308 bullet diameter, not a 308 round.
I did mean 308 caliber bullets, but always good to check! (I surveyed when younger and cross check was mandatory, itty bitty tiny mistakes had huge consequence that you don't see in carpentry but on a survey huge (we had one that missed a monument by 6 feet because we assumed the line we started on was using right procedures, they were about 1/8 inch off, by the time we got to the section corner it was 6 feet, we stopped it at a fixed angle even fixed just made it that bad, if we had done what they did we would have missed it by a hundred feet as they were setup to keep drifting more and more left at increasing angle)

Nice to know others are interested and I am not just another Nut case (pun)

How does yours shoot? Best powder and bullet?

did the bolt heat work or did you have to open it up a bit?