I'm not too worried about the scope right now. The rifle is used exclusively for 600 yard club shoots so if it has known repeatable adjustments at that range I'm fine. When I got the action it looked like one they started last minute on a Friday and finished with a hangover on Monday. All the threaded holes looked rough and there was flashing at almost every machined edge. I would guess that most aren't like this and I got one machined at the end of the toolings life. The year before I put together a long action from a plain hunting rifle and won my class averaging 198 of 200 and shooting several clean 200's. This year with the PTA I averaged closer to 195 and it shot less consistently. I keep pretty good records so I'm positive about something not working as well as the previous years. It could be a barrel that just doesn't shoot as well or the scope doesn't track as well but with how poor the action looked out of the box I think that's a fair place to start the investigation.