I put a Leupold 3x9x40 Rifleman model on a RAR 223 and like it at 100 yds when punching paper. Target is clear for me at 61 yrs old. At 200, it's adequate, I can see targets, just not as well. I recently got 2 Model 12 FV's in 223 & 204, and got Leupold 4x12's in the rifleman model as well for these rifles. I'm hoping these will make things clearer at 200 and beyond.

I can see individual leaves and such at the 200 yd range with the 3x9 on the surrounding trees so I know I will be able to see groundhogs & yotes well enough once I spot them. I compared the 3x9 to a 10x Vortex mononocular (?) at the range the other day, and I liked the Leupold glass better, but that's my preference.

MrFurious is probably right in that what he likes/prefers, I or someone else may or may not like. Go try and look thru as many as you can so you can get what you prefer. It's your gun, no one else's. LOL