Quote Originally Posted by LongRange View Post
when you size a 308 case down to 264 your pushing brass down into the neck shoulder junction and thats where the doughnut is/starts...if you have a .297-.299 neck in you chamber your most likely going to end up with doughnuts if your using bushings to size your necks...bushing do not fully size the necks so it makes it even worse...and doughnuts dont iron out when fired...you say you already have a slight doughnut but it dont interfer? the only way they dont interfere is if the base of your bullet is seated above the neck/shoulder junction.

i used bushing dies for a few years and this is the reason i quit using them...if your sizing your necks more than .003 .004 from fired to ready to load then your most likely going to have doughnuts and they may only be slight but they will be there and cause inconsistent seating and high ESs.

Yeah, I don't use bushing dies...Thanks chief! Your unclear on my meaning of "not interfering". I was simply referring to actually chambering them. I am aware that accuracy will be dramatically influenced. You skipped the part where I explained that this is how I am fire forming....as I cant just load up some power pistol/cornmeal/tissue, head outside and "FIRE FORM" away! LOL.. I'm constantly learning, as well. Which is why I would rather have the experience going through all the steps. As I said, I'm ALWAYS LEARNING. Once I have FIRED the newly reformed cases THE FIRST TIME, I will neck size and, as needed, turn the necks. I'm not worried, as these will simply be for my range. Serious shooting will be using NEW Lapua Palma brass.

Thanks for pointing out a few things, so I could clarify. I appreciate it.