This is a pretty entertaining post. LOL Anyone who thinks using a SFP scope in PRS style comps will be as easy as a FFP either hasn't shot any matches or is fooling themselves. You can fight your way through a match with a SFP scope but why use the mind power to worry about a SFP scope and what power you are on when you can use it on making the shot and getting points. It's just one more thing to make your life harder. I haven't used a SFP scope in a match since 2004.

Also making that $500 wouldn't be that hard as I have ranged and made first round hits on many targets in matches especially the Allegheny Sniper Challenge out to just over 1000 yards and many inside. Ranging with a reticle isn't overly hard but you need to know target size and be able to break the reticle down to at least .1 mil and even better .05 to be more accurate and this is where a good reticle comes into play. Also a FFP scope as you might not always be able to be on the highest power due to conditions. Ranging over 600 yards or so takes practice. With the availability of good, less expensive LRFs, it's a skill that is being lost.