Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
What is the Wavy Washer for on the bolt between the baffle and the bolt body for?
What does removing the radius on the back of the bolt head and moving the WW forward between the baffle and the bolt head do exactly? Lubrication facilitation?
IIRC it's called the ...what for it....the "front baffle washer"

There was a discussion some years ago why the radius/ fillet exists. The best guess IIRC, when the boltheads are machined the shaft and lugs are machined using the same radiused bit in the same setup. One is machined first, then the other, the bit's radius creates the fillet at the junction. When I remove it I use a bit with it's tip honed to a much less of a radius for a smooth cut. How much less? Dunno, I give it few swipes with a stone just enough to round it off a tad then have at it!

And yes, in it's normal position it acts as a bolt grease squeegee. When I clean my bolt guns ( Savage, Win 70, 700s and one lone Ruugggeer) the lugs,their abutments , lead in ramps and recesses are always cleaned as part of my regiment. After I apply a light thin coat of grease( bolt or lithium) on the lugs so when the bolts are locked to battery some of it is transferred to all those other surfaces. I don't want the baffle wiping it off prior.
