Been doing other things and not working on my 520 set as I would like. My current irritating issue is camouflaging the wood stock repairs on the first one but it is getting better, I just need lots of patience. I am prepping the second one for painting and will start this weekend if all goes well so it can cure this week while refinishing the stock for that one (round pistol grip version) and turning the diamond-checkered forearm into the smooth trench version now that the barrel-side crack is fixed with JB Weld.

Yup, I have 4 very expensive full-metal snap caps I use for cycling diagnosis and practice and 4 more of the cheap plastic ones to stuff in the top of the magazine to give more spring pressure when needing more than 4. I have found that the cheap plastic ones break too easily on the extractors so I don't use them much any more.

Since I have "cured" several quirks with these guns now, I am confident that I will figure a way around the magazine issue after I polish for burrs, polish the barrel extension and check for proper alignment then I will see if the issue still exists, scratch my head, and take further measures. I cannot work on this until I get the paint cured and everything put together on both so I can compare. They are both currently at the point where the action is like butter (even with Duracoat on the action arm) and I am getting more pleased every time I move ahead. You should see the faux Parkerized finish, it looks great.

I am taking pictures of the process of each one so I will share the photos when I finally get around to a hosting setup.