I didn't say it couldn't compete. The stealth rifle system should be an awesome rifle. Design wise, its totally different. The ashberry looks almost identical if the pic shown in the ar15.com thread is correct. Am glad I didn't jump on the RPR bandwagon. My 10T is one hell of a rifle. Was thinking of getting a 6.5cm when cabalas released the 10T 6.5cm but will hold out until the stealth rifle gets released. I talked with drake associates a bit after I ordered my chassis from them about the stealth rifle. He pointed out about every detail of the stealth. This rifle should put the RPR in the dust. Just wish they would get released soon. Came across this listing while snooping around the net for any more information on the stealth. 1st pic I have seen. http://www.lipseys.com/itemdetail.as...=SV10BAST6.5CR