There are many factors to accuracy, the shooter being an integral part of that equation. Action enhancements are different for each brand of action. Some are not necessarily accuracy related.

Truing the proper way improves accuracy at varying ranges. Often overlooked is the barrels axis with the scope. The floating bolt head can compensate for a barrel out of axis and some believe this is an all inclusive solution. Because of this, Savages can hold their own in single range completion but when in a tactical environment they are not as popular. Any rifle can benefit by aligning all aspects of the action into one axis from OD to scope mount holes bolt race(Savages are more tolerant of bolt misalignment for obvious reasons) and barrel threads as well as the perpendicularity of the barrel/action face abutment.

Truing correctly in combination with a quality barrel that is machined and chambered correctly will take a platform to a higher level precision. Fred Moreo's timing work, an action enhancement, is the best, no question. The ones I have been exposed to are superior in bolt lift and primary extraction. They are the standard to compare when working on a Savage action.

Truing however can be done by anyone with skills and the proper tooling.