I do have Brian's cds "getting shots on target", or paper, or something like that. Im in the middle of the second disk and have been for weeks. It seems every computer I own or have access to decided to not be able to see the disk anymore. Weird. So Ill have to break down and use the single dvd player that I own and so far I havent taken the time. I have the second disk on my desk at work because I tried my laptop at the office and same thing. The dvd player on there quit seeing anything on the disc. I wish his books were on amazon. I would load it up on my phone and can read anytime I have to sit and wait. That is how I read most every book. I did however just order a new book about wind calls. I forget the title however I will look it up if anyone is interested. It was suggested reading by someone somewhere. Its only 150 pages but only centers around reading the wind in various ways. And since most misses are due to poor wind calls I thought I would read it. I know it takes a lot of practice and I will give plenty in that regard. I just think I would do well to know what Im looking for going in.

And yes buck the internet is an awesome tool. Otherwise I would have to travel to a long distance range where people shoot these competitions, about 3 hours for me, and look for that guy thats banging steel far out and ask him questions. Now I can do that in my underwear drinking coffee lol. tmi

The sport is exploding so fast I cant wait to participate. My wife keeps saying she is going to be so intimidated. But I told her even if I were to come in dead last the thought of moving around and shooting from all different positions and gaining experience and getting to watch good shooters do it well is worth the price of admission. Also she sees how helpful everyone here seems to be and I think its the sport all together. We are going to attend a long range shooting class this summer even though Ill be shooting a match or two before then, hopefully.

We are doing the class to see if there are any major flaws in our techniques. My wife doesnt practice as much as I do but she has natural skills I just dont have. She is hard to beat. My goal is to be regularly shooting matches in 2017. I have a body building competition that same summer so after that is over I should have more time to pour into the sport.