You are beating your head against a brick wall, and the result will be a sore head.
Im not saying not to try getting as close as possible with your data. But what i am saying
you will never find the perfect answer. Where i hunt the altitude alone can vary 1000' depending on location.
We leave ammo and guns in vehicles for the whole season. Temp variances in the ammo alone cause changes in data info.
Im well aware for some people first round hits are a form of bragging rites and thats fine. But a miss is still a miss regardless
of an undetected tree branch, wind condition, or an error in data entry. I would agree that the best data can be gotten by entering the current conditions
including shot angle for each shot. But count on killing very few deer unless you do it on the first shot or your willing to throw the iphone
overboard after a miss. Keep your eye on the ball, not the iphone.