Ok, so a lot to report. My new ejector showed up, I was trying to do some work on the original to fix the broken post and it went missing never to be found again. Just my luck. I had to perform the slow process of fitting the injector by coloring it with a sharpie, re-assembly of the gun, gently releasing the slide, breaking it back down, seeing where the metal was contacting and repeating several times. Quite a bit of work, but worth it in the end.

Since I have an early sighted gun I replaced my cocking lever. The reason why is there's a small "nib" that's broken off on the side of mine, and that's what keeps the sear from being engaged when the safety is and in turn keeps the gun from firing after you pull the trigger and disengage the safety. I now have a functional safety.

I ended up breaking my sear trying to tweak the shape. I think a huge portion of it had worn down, and in turn I had to do the work.

Besides that, I have a range report! I took the gun out tonight, and the extractor spring is likely weak. It wouldn't engage except a couple of the rounds, when it ejected reliably. If I can't get an ejector spring I'm going to order the Wolff Universal kit that includes 2ea of 10 different springs and see which one fits. Ammo was Fiocci 60gr JHP which seemed to actuate the gun just fine, but didn't extract. Point and shoot accuracy would have been defense acceptable at 15 foot which wasn't bad considering it was with no front sight blade and a barrel that's pretty well smooth.