Honestly, go with Rockite. It is easier to use in my opinion, and hardens and stiffens the stock perfectly. Plus it;s $3.99 a lb at Ace Hardware and subsidiaries.

I just did both a Savage model 10 and my Axis heavy barrel. Took a styrofoam cup, added the mix, added a very little water at a time, and mixed. Once it reached a "JUST" pourable consistency, I leveled the stock and poured it in. Being a fluid instead of Quicksteels putty, it fills in all the nooks and crannys easily. I fill it till I can just make out the tops of the interior fins and dividers, plenty of stiffening, no issues with barrel contact that way.

I have used quicksteel in the past, in fact the Mod 10 had a layer in the bottom of the forend from when I bedded it, and used the remainder for stiffening. I wouldn't go back to Quicksteel for stiffening now that I have used Rockite. Rockite Foreend fill adds about 4 ozs to the weight in mine, since it's essentially a concrete, there is ZERO flex after it has dried. I give mine and hour usually.

I then tape off the topside of the stock, front and rear and spray is with a coat of flat black primer. Total work time from mix to pour, 5 mins, Drying time and hour. Rockite can be mixed thinner and still be 100% effective, it just takes a longer drying time, or just add a bit more mix. The nice thing about mixing it in a paper cup is you just let the excess dry and toss it.