I finally got around to loading and shooting some .454 today. Well I loaded two mornings ago. First loading pistol and rifle is like apples and oranges both might be fruit but similarities stop there. I took my time reading the book over and over each step. but I finally got 10 rounds loaded with the min charge of H110. I took them out today and they worked great. Crimp on the Lee die is very nice. I put an round in next to the round being fired to measure creep no creep. Then I loaded a full cylinder and slowly fired each cylinder except the last. I unloaded and measured the last round and it also had no creep so I was happy. as far as accuracy I don't know I was test firing into the creek shooting at lilly pads from about 12 ft away (just a gues but its my guess). All rounds hit the pads were I was aiming so I assume they are going to fly pretty well when I get to the range.