Hang in there DH, sounds like it's been a hard road. Don't dwell on what you can no longer do, but rather what you still can do well. I taught myself to reload from books (back when books were at libraries!) and I would have given anything for someone to show me the ropes. (And that trimming is a must!!! Lol) I think getting involved would not only benefit you, but this next generation, who will have a mighty deck stacked against them. Are you familiar with the Appleseed Project? They are always looking for help. Appleseed is devoted to history, heritage and marksmanship. What a great program. There are three upcoming events in Utah.

If rough ground and long hikes are now out of the question, perhaps take up one of the shooting sports. Bench rest would be low impact, and is maddening trying for that elusive group. You can shoot with what you have, then upgrade as you get more competitive. (Yes, it's highly competitive and addicting.) Try it!

So in closing, keep your chin up. Be thankful you have what you do. Many young men come back from the Middle East that have no legs, no arms, no eyesight, and yet they persevere. Many still hunt and are active in the shooting sports. Another thing I hope you do is jot down your memories. After 50 years of hunting, I'm positive you have some stories. Don't fret about grammar or spelling, just get the stories, ideas and memories on the page. Your son and grandchildren will cherish those pages. I know this because my grandparents did it for me. It's a great moments that I refer back to often.

DesertHunter, keep on truckin' and God bless.