Quote Originally Posted by klr View Post
Because he doesn't want to hurt his wife's feelings.
When he hauls out his Savage Model 11 Scout Rifle the conversation would go something like this:

Wife: "Is that the rifle I bought you?'
daddyusmaximus: "No."
Wife: "What's wrong with the one I bought you?"
daddyusmaximus: "This one has a bunch of features I want."
Wife: So you don't like the one I gave you?"
daddyusmaximus: Well, yeah, but this has better resale value."
Wife: "Sorry mine wasn't good enough." (Thinks to herself: I'm never buying him a gun again.)

If it were me I'd tell her how much I like her rifle and explain all the cool things I'm doing to it.
after 7 yrs divorced i forgot the way things work to keep peace in the house. maybe get the new one and take them both out equally!
