Like most things it's a balancing act. Will there be an appreciable difference between the two? Maybe, maybe not- depends on a lot of variables.

Match gun where 1/8MOA makes the difference between winning and losing- maybe. Is everything else under your control squared away to narrow down that difference to a miniscule amount of barrel quality? Again, up to you.

Hunting rifle shot a couple times in the off season and then used on deer out to 300 yards?

What is the actual difference in accuracy? Can you tell that difference?

And do you want to wonder?

I just ordered a Shilen barrel for a hunting rifle. This will be for shooting large bodied game at moderately long ranges. Would a match barrel have delivered? Probably, yes. But I'm in no hurry and wanted to eliminate one more possible variable so I went select match. Will it ever matter? Who knows, but I won't have to wonder.