Quote Originally Posted by jknox1030 View Post
That's awesome. Be sure to post pics when you finish up. Are you going with the LSS? Or waiting until one of the others becomes available?
I certainly will, but it will most likely be a little while before it is finished.

I plan to wait for the HS3 to be available for the Axis, and $$ will also be an issue. All-in (including glass) I am looking at about $2,400. My wife and I are also having our first child any day now, so I have a feeling that free time and free $$ will not be as abundant as it has been up until now in my life...

So far, all I have is the Axis in .243 Win, so I need to still acquire the chassis, buttstock, barrel, trigger, bipod, mags, base, rings, and glass.

A couple months ago a local chain near me has Axis in 243 on sale for $179, I could not pass it up and bought two (my 4th and 5th Axis). I am leaving one as a 243, and the other one is becoming this project.