Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
I apologize for not being more clear. The case is tapered. If you slide it into a tapered female hole, like a taper ring gauge, without force and one goes in further than the other, then the capacity of the case will differ all other things considered equal. So my assertion was that if a case springs back more than another case then you really don't know what you have. Its random at best. The only way that measuring your cases means anything is if you compress the case into the body or full length sizer and check the volume held in a uniform position. Sometimes we get things in our head and it makes us feel better but it is often meaningless if you attempt to get it down to the nats rear. GGMM ammo is a perfect example of what matters. It really doesn't do anything except satisfy your need to be anal. BTDT 20 years ago.
i agree 100% that you will never get things perfect...i have the same gauge and trimmer BTW...and you are also right about SOME things that probably dont do much but make us feel better.but consistency is the biggest factor in accuracy....lets say you go out with once fired lapua brass(first time was just to fire form)that you fully preped,PP uniformed,weighed with H2O,STM tumbled and your shoulders are at 1.123" after fire forming and with that brass right away shoot a few 5 shot bug hole groups with 43g H4350 a BR-2 primer a 142g SMK with .003 neck tension...now your a happy man right!?! so you run home load up 10 rounds real fast(with the same brass you just fired)and head back out to confirm the loads only to find that the loads you shot earlier dont shoot so well now...they group well but not bug holes...now your wondering WTF? right? the only difference is you didnt tumble and your brass has now been fired 3 times...now your asking yourself what happened?

my point is that if every thing is not the same with your brass every time it can and will cause accuracy issues so the more things you can control and keep consistent the less time you spend wondering why your riffle wont shoot the same group as it did yesterday.