Quote Originally Posted by SteelerNation View Post

Thanks. That's really helpful! I am trying to figure out to what degree ammo is effected, so your test is very helpful. I have read that some powder is designed so at to be unaffected by temperature variation. When I start reloading (very soon) I am going to keep a very good log book on the temperature and environmental conditions of when I made and tested the load.

I can imagine scenarios where a hunter (lets say) designs a great load for his rifle in the late summer, but when he goes out hunting in the late fall, the ballistics are very different! This could be very frustrating!

Thanks again!
Tell you what, take a ride over to Pats and pick me up a couple cheese steaks and i'll tell you all you want to know. lol
And its a good thing you live outside and not in west philly with a name like that.
As for temp affects on ammo, yes it can be a problem for hunters and some more than others.
One of those things some might refer to as (something that happened to cause me to miss.)