I understand. As a Vietnam vet, I wish there had been more folks like you challenging the wisdom of the choices made in weaponry during that time. There really are owners and users of the X-sights, and, time and again, they report that, even with all the warts and scabs they find with the new Sights, they feel that function wise, at the price point the devices are offered, they're a game changer. I've even seen a couple of reports wherein the owners say that they'll keep the scopes even if ATN isn't able to ever fix all the items on the laundry list of issues (that are supposed to be fixed with the latest firmware release). It's kinda hard to know what and who to believe, and that's why I was hoping to get a member of the Brotherhood of the Barrel Nut to share their first hand, hands-on experience. But it looks like I may be that very person! Delivery of the scope is promised this coming Friday, and the sight is in the mail and being tracked by USPS. So this one isn't "vaporware!" How will it function? Who knows, but I'll find out very soon. . .