I've only had porcupine once in my life, and at the time, it was delicious. It was many years ago, when I was in (military) survival training school. We hadn't eaten anything in a couple of days, and I had seen a couple of critters running around. We walked up to this huge old porc'y waddling down the trail at dusk. He started to climb a tree to get away, and I was on him with my machete' and decapitated him. He was a heavy old male, we lashed him to a walking stick to get him back to camp, and I said, "I killed him, someone else gets to skin him."

We ended up roasting him over a fire on a spit, and boiled his organs in an old coffee can we found. I remember my Captain saying there was "No way" he was going to have any (along with a few others in the party-there were 12 of us). But when the time came, every one of them came forward for their "share" of the meat.

The next day, we came upon a stream feeding a small pond teaming with crawdads (craefish), and some trout in the stream, and we ate like "kings" that night.

Good times...

Can't say I'd want to eat a porc'y again though...