that's what i was gonna say. the difference in .243 and .25 is only .007"! ballistically a 6mm cal is better than 25 cal. given your shooting same type and same weight bullets and at the same velocity. i cant' say it enough when i talk to people and they still don't believe me. if i tell them my 243 is better the will still favor their 25-06 over it and look at me like i'm crazy. even if my .243 is shooting the same 100gr. at the same speeds as their 25-06. the difference in trajectory will only be about 2" flatter at 500yrds. well, the heck with those idiots for being ignorant. if i have a 243ai and you have your 25-06 and we both shoot 100gr. bullets at 3,300 fps. mine will be better theorically, but will it shoot better? maybe, maybe not. did i spend more $$$ on my rifle or did you on yours? if were hunting together and i don't see anything, but you happen to shoot a deer, does tht make you a better hunter? man i've heard everything you jst typed so many times before that it sometimes makes me sick. seems like we are both good knowledgable people and i'm not going to go back and forth on this like a bunch of kids. as far as i'm concerned enoughs been said and their is no need to continue. who cares if my 270wsm is better than your 25-06, i certainly could care less. ;D

i like to go hunting and i own enough guns to were i have a decent selection to choose from and i'm sure you do to. so jst be happy with what you do and what you got and go enjoy yourself. it doesn't matter who has a bigger gun, jst use it.....and if walmart doesn't get some shells in anytime soon i'm gonna shoot deer with my .22!!!