Quote Originally Posted by Wjesswheel View Post
Have a chance to buy a used, rough savage stock with the 4.4 spacing and I shoot an f/tr with the smaller 3.4 spacing. Question I have is can I just plug the 4.4 hole and bore another hole at the 3.4 dimension and put some kind of pillar in it? My plan is to widen out the front and flatten it to set in bags better and flatten out the rear so it is a little more stable. My plan is to glue some wood on and do some fibre glass work to strengthen it and stiffen it up. Does this sound doable to some of you professionals. Any pointer will be appresiated
On filling existing "holes": Fill with wooden doweling rod of very close diameter to existing hole (you can always take a drill bit and open the existing hole slightly if necessary).

On adding wood: Where possible, use dowel to "pin" the glued parts together. That will provide the best bond so that the pieces will not separate. That can also be achieved with glassing - just make sure the surfaces are rough so the bond is optimal...