The Factory brake will not stay in the open position it constantly slides to about 1/3 open-closed after a few rounds down range making the rifle unuseable. My idea was to use a clamp on muzzle break over the factory brake locked into the closed position. The Folks over at Kahntrol feel this will fix the issue and work just fine thus solving the factory brakes wandering issues. I ordred a standard thread on muzzle break from a group in Canada however it is back ordered and will not get here while my brother is in town. Timing stinks and it's no ones fault but my own for procrastinating on the purchase. The Kahntrol break is about a $100.00 and seemed like a viable option so he can run the rifle next weekend and the week after. This muzzle break will then be used on another project and get used further down the road after the threaded unit arrives mid October.