Quote Originally Posted by foxx View Post
Question: when you tighten the action screws, do they turn freely then STOP! like they have hit bottom?
It's not quite like a bolt with a hard shoulder bottoming out on a flat surface, but they don't bind on the way in. and it's obvious when they bottom out. How firm of a stop (STOP!) are you referring to. I've got a relatively high level of faith that the bedding job is good, but I'll re-check it for good measure. I know the action DOES contact the wood stock just below and along the ejection port opening. Since it's tapered right there and didn't seem to be binding I didn't pay it any attention, but maybe I should scrape it for clearance....?

That's a good idea on the cardboard shim. Easy and reversible. I've also heard of people simply dropping a rubber o-ring into the barrel channel before. I wasn't thinking of it when I made the original post though. If I go down that route I'll try something along those lines first.

Zero, a link to that article would be great. Good reading if nothing else.

Does the order that the actions bolts are tightened in matter at all? I've read to do the rear first, but it sounds Zero is recommending front first. I wouldn't expect it to matter much, but....

Also, regarding the bedding at the recoil lug. It should only contact the rear facing surface, right? I had a layer of tape around the outer edge to create clearance when I did the bedding so as to avoid creating torque between the recoil lug and the receiver.

Thanks guys.