Well I've got the phone line back today, life is good again.What I did was opened my .223 Ackley improved resizing die up .002" It doesn't sound like much but feels like a huge difference when running a fired case through it.I pinned the neck and found it is tight after firing so I 've got to step the powder up.I'm thinking a .220" pin should have fit but didn't so went with a .219" gage pin and didn't feel any detection of a donut inside the neck case however I did see a donut forming on the outside from my trying to neck size and not bump the shoulders back so I know I have to go a little deeper to remove that donut. I was running the .223 ammo left over through it and pierced a primer with leftover PPU ammo. Thinking I have the barrel set tighter where the go gage fits snug when closing the bolt so its a good crush fit when forming .223 ammo. What I did which may not have been correct but it worked and that was to unseat the bullet .025" farther out with a kinetic bullet puller and no flattened or pierced primers and all old .223 ammo are now fire formed to the Ackley Improved. Being temporarily poverty struck or financially challenged from my current health issues, I could only spring for a Bushnell Banner scope. It is a 18x so it will be an improvement from the 9x ,even if I only run it to 15x or so because of the budget scope clarity. It will work for load data and poking bullets at coyotes this fall.Hopefully I will continue to recover in health where I can do the overtime thing at work again....

One thing I did and am not sure whether or not it was smart to do was that I annealed the new .223 cases before fire forming to the Ackley Improved case form ?Any opinion on whether I should or should anneal them prior to fire forming ? I was thinking it would help form the case but then I am thinking that it wasn't necessary to do so since they were brand new cases....Thanks in advance, Ivan