Finally got to test the new build on what it was made for. Spent the entire day watching for Bean Bears @ 1000 yards. When I got there I set up and fired 1 round to check the wind and elevation for the day @ 1000. Fired 2 more rounds over a period of about 5 hours for wind, figured I was as ready as I could be for the day if anything appeared, things were looking pretty good for this time of year in Indiana. It was sunny and reached a really decent 67.8 degrees at the range. Passed most of the day talking to other shooters about guns and life in general while scanning for the Bears. During a conversation and scan at about 5:30 I finally spotted one @ 1000 yards. The guy next to me knew something was up. I chambered a round, dialed in 1.0 MOA right, pressed one off. Watched him go down in the scope. The shooter next to me said he was still moving. He's not going anywhere, or he would have already went. How far do you think he was? Probably about 985 is what I guessed at. When we went down the shot entered right at the top of his left shoulder and through his neck. Ranged back to the line and it was 988 yards. Not my longest shot, but the summer is just starting. Had a very relaxing day at the range and fired 4 rounds.

Later and stay safe, Brad