Dennis, I have the same stock and I think that the aluminum skeleton and bedding block are first rate, especially for the price.

But something that I do not understand across the board is, why does "Tactical" or "Varmint" have to mean "rough as a cob"?

I modified my Medalist quite a bit by re shaping the grip and the cheek weld area, as well as dropping the heal 3/4". I followed the shape and dimensions from the Thumbhole Laminents that I have, and it fits the same. I sanded through the paint and gel coat down into the fiberglass itself. Then I resealed those areas with polyester resin and painted them. Came out good.

You probably won't need to go that deep for your purposes, and I don't think you will need anything as thick as JB Weld. I think one or more coats of polyester resin will do the job for you. Just sand it smooth and paint it to suite.

Good Luck and please let us know the results.......Jim