Mine is one of the first V2's which I got about two years ago. The V3 is just a bit nicer and user friendly...and comes with a nice case. I'm not sure about the warranty but they are a great company. They changed the attachement bracket from plastic to metal about 6 months after I got mine. I found out why they did that when mine broke. I called them and they sent me a new metal one...no questions and no cost. It is rediculously simple to use. Strap on the bayo, plug it in, set your bullet type (which is always the same for us - jacketed) and shoot. It records strings of up to 10 with Average, ES and SD. You can save strings to a micro SD and download them onto your computer. You can also delete rounds in a string.

If your a hand loader and long range shooter then you need a Chrony. The Magnetospeed has no sky screens and is impossible to SHOOT if you strap it on tight. And it fits in my range bag.