In my humble estimation, you appear to me to be acting like a jerk.

I say the Savage factory barrels shoot better with fouling. I don't change my argument. I have never changed my argument. You appear to be reading into what I say with some kind of malicious intent. You make illogical statements about my arguments. I do not care to fully elaborate on how you do so, but you do jump to the wrong conclusions about what I say and then claim to disprove my original statements by simply disproving your interpretations of what I say.

Re read what I posted.

I intended to say your clean-polished, aftermarket barrels were not representative of Savage factory barrels that have tooling marks and are not precisely cut and reamed. Your illustration of them served no purpose in responding to my post. I also intended to say that a badly pitted bore that shot well and cannot be filled with copper fouling does not disprove that slightly scratched or scarred, imperfect barrels such as Savage factory barrels can and most often are improved with fouling.

You jump to conclusions about what I say and put words in my mouth that are not true or my intent. I have not attempted to prove all of my statements true here and now. I applaud your effort to answer my challenge to see for yourself whether you can get the same accuracy from a Savage factory barrel that is clean of fouling that you can get from it after allowing it to foul, particularly with copper. Of course, one problem with your effort to do so is the fact we have no idea if you completely stripped the barrel of copper fouling before attempting to find a "clean-bore" load that is as good or better than the best "fouled bore" load.

Why you seem to hell-bent on making me out to be a fool is beyond me.

I will say this, however, your attitude turned me off immediately when you proclaimed that most people who reload lack your knowledge, experience or expertise, or something to that effect.