The last time I answered a question such as this was here.

how often do you clean a barrel? comment #26

If you'll notice, the comment begins with a link to a youtube video.

In that video his graph shows the most "consistent performance" occurs between 60th and possibly 200th shot. He doesn't come right out and say that; instead he explains the theory of keeping the bore "as consistent as we can."

I agree with everything he says.

That is what I am doing, keeping my bore consistent with fouling, as well as the lack of fouling, (load specific.)

A benchrest shooter keeps his bore "as consistent as [he] can" by cleaning it every 25 shots or less; some only take 5 or so shots before cleaning. I just happened to clean mine after every shot, which is keeping the bore's condition consistent.

My initial comment was to dispel the notion of a bore needing fouling to be "consistent."