Quote Originally Posted by foxx View Post
Brian! LOL

I didn't mean to suggest the holes should be so big that you break the stock. :) But once done, the bedding compound is stronger than the stock, so don't worry that wood around the hole gets a little thin, as long as it doesn't snap when drilling it out and / or break the stock before the bedding compound sets. :)

But, yes, be careful and go slow. When you put a regular drill bit into the original hole, it can slip and twist in such a way that you can damage or crack the stock.
Didn't mean to imply that you did Bro! I had actually "broke through" slightly on a Tupperware stock...and that MKII Classic of mine...I honestly didn't think I could keep that darned bit straight enough to not cause a "break-out". AND as you've said- the epoxy (I use JD Weld) will strengthen the area anyway. Truth is I am NOT a very "handy" woodworker- but I've been surprised / surprised myself at what I could do after getting some good advice here...and taking my time (patience is ALSO not an attribute of mine!)
