If at any time you are not completely satisfied with your stock out of the box - please contact our Customer Service department about a replacement before modifying or altering at home. We take great pride in our work, and want to ensure our customers are 100% satisfied! Any questions just let me know!!

Best Regards ~ Jen

Quote Originally Posted by cranebird View Post
I'm not all that excited about the stock. It has a few blems, gouged where my Palm grips ,a gouge in the screw inlet which you don't see but I know it's there plus a couple of crease dents in the bottom of the tear drop grip and stock.I've sanded most of it out,going to look into another stock,keep this for the harsher coyote hunting where it'll bound to get dinged up anyways.l don't mind the pad on it but the .223does not have the recoil......